

Computer Graphics <3

Physically Based Renderer


Ray Tracer


Catmull-Clark Subdivisions

Catmull-Clark subdivisions surfaces with Phong shading.
Implementation of Catmull1978 paper.

Java, OpenGL

Shadow Mapping

Shadow mapping with Phong shading.
Implementation of Williams1978 paper.

Java, OpenGL

3D Cloth Simulator

Implementation of Bridson2002 paper.

C++, Irrlicht

2D Collisions Solver

2D collisions solver using the Gauss-Seidel method.
Inspired by PBM2001.

Java, Java2D

Fluids Solver

Implementation of Stam1999 paper.

Java, Java2D

Real-Time Solar System Simulator

Simulate our solar system and asteroids collisions in real-time.

C#, WindowsForms

Precomputed Radiance Transfert (PRT)

Implementation of Sloan2002 paper.

Javascript, Three.js, WebGL

Video Games

Real-Time Strategy Game Engine (Europa)

A project that was wayyyyy too ambitious.

C++, SDL, OpenGL

2D Puzzle Platformer (ShinyPanda)

An original 2D Puzzle Platformer, another example of a project way too ambitious...


Tetris Clone (Almost Tetris)

Cute Tetris clone with gameplay recorder.

C#, WindowsForms


RISC-V Emulator (tinyv)

A small RISC-V emulator.


GameBoy Emulator (AlmostGB)

My attempt to write a GameBoy emulator.


Chip8 Emulator

The "hello world" of emulator development.

C++, SDL, Qt

Electric vehicles prototyping platform (Vehiculus)

Electric vehicles prototyping platform. Interfaced MATLAB/Simulink with a real-life electric motorcycle as my undergrad thesis project.

C, RTOS, MATLAB, Simulink


Myo gesture controlled video game (Neon)

Endless runner video game using the Myo hand gesture control armband as a game controller.
Winner "Most Retro Hack" - McHacks 2018.

Javascript, Three.js, WebGL

Waves Simulator

Waves simulator in Three.js by solving the wave equation using numerical integration.
Won 2nd place at McGill's Physics Hackathon 2017.

Javascript, Three.js, WebGL

Parking Rental App (ParkHere)

Parking rental Android app (and a failed startup).
Won 2nd place at Startup Weekend Montreal 2014.

Java, Android